by Brian Balmages
Disc: The Music of Brian Balmages Volume 1
Recording: Sunderman Conservatory Wind Symphony
Conductor: Russell McCutcheon
Soloist: Steven Marx, Trumpet
Publisher: MARK Masters 54617-MCD
Brian Balmages is a prolific composer of band and orchestra music encompassing various levels of performance. From beginning 0.5 grade works to high school levels and beyond the descriptive music of Balmages is consistent in quality and is most acceptable by musicians and audiences. This recording literally opens with a “bang” courtesy of an exciting work simply titled Metal. Also included is Within the Castle Walls (Songs of Welsh Revolution); a fine grade 3 suite which could easily remind band enthusiasts of the legendary Clare Grundman compositions. Trumpet soloist Steven Marx is featured on Trust in Angels; a solid, expressive new addition to the repertoire of trumpet and band compositions. The Sunderman Conservatory Wind Symphony and Russell McCutcheon put their best efforts into this fine recording.