Saturday, February 22, 2025
Authors Posts by Allman A. Todd IV

Allman A. Todd IV

Allman A. Todd IV
Allman (Albie) Avon Todd IV earned his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Michigan State University in 2005. From 2005-2009 he was the band director of grades 5-12 for the Harper Creek school district in Battle Creek, Michigan, and in 2009 became the Director of Bands for He is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree through the American Band College of Sam Houston State University in Ashland, Oregon. Some of his non-musical activities include reading, crossword puzzles, and water sports, as well as playing in the premier Big Rapids community chamber brass ensemble, Con Brio Voce, and the Trestle Bend Big Band. Big Rapids Middle School in Big Rapids, Michigan. His primary instrument is the trumpet. While at Michigan State, he was the marching band manager and the trumpet section leader. He also enjoys arranging music for bands, and has arranged half-time shows for both the MSU Spartan Marching Band and the University of Virginia Cavalier Marching Band.