ABC - Frequently Asked Questions

ABC 3-Year Checklist The ABC Handbook

Registration Information

How do I register for ABC online?

Where can I find more information on ABC registration (cost, deadlines, etc.)?

Once registered, how do I make changes?

How do I cancel my ABC registration?

How do I create and upload my recording of my band, my personal photos and my bio?

What is the cost comparison between the American Band College and various U.S. Universities?

Is the ABC program accredited and nationally recognized?

Where can I find a breakdown on current ABC fees?

How much is the registration deposit for ABC?

Whom do I contact if I am interested in financial aid?

How should I pay ABC if I am receiving financial aid?

What are the 3 special classes offered during my 3 summers in Ashland?

Can I attend ABC and earn non-master's credits (continuing education credits)?

How can I replace lost forms, status reports, etc?

Does ABC mail out 1099 (tax info forms) to ABC attendees?

What is the difference between quarter-system hours of credit & semester-system hours of credit?

Where can I get more info about Loan Exit Counseling and how can I defer my financial aid loan payments?

Admission to Central Washington University

What do I need to do as a first year candidate prior the start of classes on June 19?

What are the admission requirements for Central Washington University?

Where can I get help to fill out the application for admission to CWU?

Do I need GRE scores to be admitted to Central Washington University?

Do I need 3 letters of recommendation to be admitted to Central Washington University?

(1st Year Students) What are the requirements for the Pre-ABC Project?

What courses should I take at Central Washington University and when are projects due?

How do I register and pay for classes at Central Washington University?

Can I transfer elective or music credits to Central Washington University?

What is the refund policy at Central Washington University?

Can I take a summer off?

Registering for Classes at Central Washington University

First year students

Second year students

Third year students

Tests Information (Ultimate Pursuit) & Required Laptop

What time is the entrance exam for 1st year ABC students?

What can I expect to be on the entrance exam?

Why are wireless-enabled laptops REQUIRED for ABC Master's Candidates?

What is Ultimate Pursuit and how did it get started?

How do I create my own tests with Ultimate Pursuit?

How can I get a copy of my ABC study areas?

How do I create test groups with Ultimate Pursuit?

How can I get a summary report on my practice tests?

What kind of wireless-enabled laptop will work for ABC?

What does it mean if I do poorly on the entrance exam?

What time will I be finished on July 5?

How does ABC track my progress in the program?

What happens if I don't pass all portions (instrument startups, diagnostic rehearsals, written) of the 3rd year exit exam?

Lodging Information

What are my lodging options while I attend ABC?

What is the difference between ABC lodging packages and other hotels in Ashland?

Can my spouse and family stay with me in my hotel room?

How do I notify ABC about my roommate?

What date/time should I plan on leaving ABC?

Is there a meal plan at ABC?

How do I know which hotel to select for lodging?

Is there bus service in Ashland?

Travel & Directions

Do I need to travel to Central Washington University?

What is the closest airport to Ashland, OR?

What are the directions to the various hotels and Ashland High School from I-5 or the airport?

How do I get from the airport to the various hotels? Do I need to rent a car?

Items to Bring

What should I bring with me to Ashland?

Do I need to bring any instruments besides my primary instrument?

Concert Information

What are the dates and locations for the ABC concerts?

What is the required attire for the two ABC concerts?

Project Information

Where/when do I send my practical applications and research projects?

What courses should I take at Central Washington University and when are projects due?

What form do I use when I turn in my practical applications and research projects?

Can I take a deviation or incomplete on my project(s) and where can I find more info about grades?

Graduation, Transcripts, Grades & Forms

How much is university fee that must accompany the graduation forms?

How do I apply for graduation online?

When and how do I get my grades from ABC, or how do I order transcripts from Central Washington University?

How can I replace lost forms, status reports, etc?

Does ABC mail out 1098 (tax info forms) to ABC attendees?

Have Questions?

Email Scott McKee, CEO or Deb Knisely, Dir. of Operations
Call (541) 778-4880 or (609) 304-2536