Danielle Davey is the Director of Bands and tenured Instructor of Music at Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) where she directs the MHCC Wind Ensemble, coaches chamber ensembles, teaches core music courses, organizes the private lessons program, and directs the pit orchestra for MHCC’s annual musical. Since her tenure, she and her colleagues have developed a comprehensive instrumental music program geared towards the advancement of students in music education, performance, composition, production, and engineering. Mrs. Davey created an undergraduate conducting class and started the MHCC Collegiate chapter of the National Association for Music Education (C-NAfME). Recently, the MHCC Wind Ensemble was featured as a performing ensemble at the 2023 Oregon Music Education Association (OMEA) State Conference.
Prior to her appointment at MHCC, Danielle taught instrumental music for 10 years at all grade levels in Oregon, Minnesota, and Massachusetts. Her bands received numerous Superior ratings and first place awards in concert, marching and jazz.
An Oregon native, Mrs. Davey earned her Bachelor of Music Education Degree from the University of Oregon where she earned the Outstanding Undergraduate Woodwind Performance Award. She concluded her Master’s Degree in Conducting from the American Band College of Sam Houston State University in 2010 and now serves on their assessment faculty. Her primary conducting teacher was Robert Ponto.
Each summer, Mrs. Davey serves as the host and faculty conductor at the East Winds Band Camp held at MHCC. She is an elected regional representative for the Oregon Band Directors Association (OBDA) and serves as a board member for the Western International Band Clinic University Honor Band (WIBC-U). Additionally, Mrs. Davey plays clarinet and guests conducts with the Portland Wind Symphony.
Mrs. Davey is an active clinician, adjudicator, and honor band conductor around the country. She maintains memberships in the College Band Directors National Association, the Oregon Music Education Association, the Oregon Band Directors Association, and the National Band Association. In her spare time, Danielle loves to camp, solfege pop songs, and spend time with her family.
Director of Bands,
Mt. Hood Community Collegey