Page 37 - Bandworld Magazine 2015
P. 37

Midnight in Moscow (Russian), Cry of the Celts (Irish/Scot- tish), Oktoberfest (German), The Mambo Kings (Latin), etc.
Themes that are more broad allow for a more loose program- ming approach. For example - Windows of the World, The Bandstand, Anything Goes, and Lollapalooza.
Early season concert theme examples - Another Opening - An- other Show, Curtain Up!, New Beginnings, and Dawn’s Early Light. End of the season concert theme examples - The Jour- ney Ahead, The Road Before Us, Celebration, and Passages.
How can a concert title be designed to increase the clarity of the expectation?
Turning a concert title into a logo (i.e. picture) increases the description of your expectation without adding words.
This example showcases a theme in plain text:
Turning a theme into a logo gives the consumer a chance to view the title in a picture that (when done well) creates a look and a feeling that makes the expectation more vivid. Consum- ers often spend very little time making purchase decisions. This purchase decision is often driven visually. Fonts are fine. Logos portray more detail and do it in one image.
Marketing copy (if used) should be describing in more detail what the consumer should expect. If the programming backs up the expectation set up by the logo and any marketing copy, then expectations are met. For example - the poster tells me it is an Irish themed concert. I go to the concert expecting Irish music. The programming delivers on this expectation and I leave with my expectations met.
Continuation of this article at
The Imaginarium Concert Band Presents
Another Opening, Another Show
This example showcases the theme in a logo: The Imaginarium Concert Band Presents
This example showcases a theme in plain text: The Imaginarium Wind Symphony Presents
This example showcases the theme in a logo:
The Imaginarium Wind Philharmonic Society Presents
This example showcases a theme in plain text: The Imaginarium Concert Band Presents Cry of the Celts
This example showcases the theme in a logo: The Imaginarium Concert Band Presents
Summon the Heroes
OK - my title has been turned into a logo - now what?
Art of Programming continued on Bandworld Online • 37

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