History of Program
The Pacific Honours Ensemble Program is jointly hosted by the Young Conservatorium (the pre-tertiary program of Griffith University) and the Western International Band Clinic. Artistic Director for SHEP, eminent Australian composer and conductor, Ralph Hultgren says, “We open our doors to fine young musicians from across our state and now we swing them wide for those from across the Pacific. Come and share our music and our welcome; come to Brisbane and the Queensland Conservatorium.”
PHEP commenced in 2007 with a partnership between Western International Band Clinic held in Seattle, Washington, annually during November and the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) held in Brisbane annually during October. Every year a small group of honor band students from WIBC are selected to participate in the SHEP program in Brisbane. These WIBC students are the only U.S. students to be involved in this prestigious honor band event held at Griffith University. In addition, SHEP is represented at WIBC with a fabulous group of honor band students from the Young Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. This PHEP international event, in its seventh year of activities, is flourishing with a group of eleven Australian honor band students participating in WIBC in 2013.
State Honours Ensemble Program
The State Honours Ensemble Program brings together the finest young musicians from across the state of Queensland to work under the direction of a team of eminent international and national conductors The event is located in the world-class environment of the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. The program offers the pursuit of excellence to young ensemble-based instrumentalists in Wind Orchestras, String Orchestras and Choral Ensembles in an intensive four-day program that culminates in four gala concerts in the Conservatorium Theatre, situated at South Bank in the heart of Brisbane’s arts precinct.
Join us in Brisbane for this vibrant cross-Pacific partnership, Pacific Honours Ensemble Program that will bring the finest of high school aged United States musicians together with Queensland’s best!
Pacific Honours Ensemble Program Directors