Auditions Made Easy
All Events Listed - Open and Closed

Below is a list of all open and closed audition events, listed by Organization.  If the event is closed, it is not listed as an event choice on the main audition screen. 

                 You may audition for any OPEN event listed below.

245 Events. Click on any open event to proceed to the audition for that event.

OrganizationEventStatusDate Closed
223NCBAClosed12/2/2019 11:02:55 AM
Adams Central High SchoolAC TrialsClosed2/21/2008 4:21:01 PM
Alachua County MS Honor BandAll-County AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
American Band College2019 ABC Oboe Scholarship AuditionClosed9/11/2019 3:49:50 PM
American Band CollegeABC Oboe Scholarship AuditionClosed12/2/2023 2:15:40 PM
American Band CollegeFemale Vocal AuditionClosed9/14/2010 1:08:32 PM
American Band CollegeMale Vocal AuditionClosed9/14/2010 1:08:44 PM
American Band CollegeSoprano Sax AuditionClosed10/9/2020 5:20:20 PM
Artie Henry Middle School BandPerform at WIBCClosed2/28/2020 12:06:21 PM
Austin High SchoolSymphonic Band TryoutsOpen 
Aylen Junior High BandConcert Band Chair TestClosed6/18/2015 1:43:03 PM
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesBCMEA - Prov. Honour VOCAL JAZZ - LIVE AUDITONSOpen 
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesBCMEA - Prov. Honour VOCAL JAZZ 2022Open 
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesBCMEA - Prov. Honour CONCERT CHOIR - LIVE AUDITONSClosed5/11/2022 2:42:17 PM
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesBCMEA - Prov. Honour CONCERT CHOIR 2022`Closed5/11/2022 2:42:35 PM
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesBCMEA - Prov. Honour JAZZ BAND 2022Closed5/11/2022 2:45:06 PM
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesBCMEA - Prov. Honour WIND ENSEMBLE 2022Open 
BC Music Educators’ Association - Honour EnsemblesProvincial Honour Ensembles 2020Closed1/13/2020 11:55:49 AM
Berean Christian SchoolGodspell AuditionsClosed7/26/2023 6:04:47 PM
Boonsboro High SchoolSpring seatingOpen 
Bridgeway/Stonegate BandsCapitol Section Honor BandClosed11/11/2019 6:36:34 PM
BrookeeYoClosed3/10/2016 4:34:07 PM
Brookville High School BandSymphonic Band Chair AuditionClosed9/1/2015 8:35:17 AM
Campo Verde High School2014 Seating AuditionsClosed4/13/2014 1:17:44 PM
Canby High SchoolWIBCClosed9/17/2022 12:39:23 PM
Cavitt Region BandCavitt Region BandClosed1/5/2015 3:35:29 PM
Central Valley High School BandsSemester 1 - 1Closed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
CFISD Honor Clarinet ChoirWIBC AuditionClosed2/25/2019 3:15:33 PM
Clovis Point Intermediate SchoolAssessment 1Closed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Cap Section Middle School Honor Band 2023BClosed11/29/2023 1:03:25 AM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2019Closed9/25/2019 12:34:45 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2020Closed12/4/2019 2:30:15 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2021Closed1/11/2021 3:13:34 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2022Closed12/1/2022 6:08:11 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2023Closed12/12/2022 12:00:17 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2024Closed12/2/2023 9:19:19 AM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section High School Honor Band 2025Closed12/10/2024 7:52:48 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section Honor Band Audition - 2017-18Closed12/15/2017 12:48:28 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section Middle School Honor Band 2020Closed12/4/2019 2:30:29 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section Middle School Honor Band 2021Closed10/27/2021 1:43:42 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section Middle School Honor Band 2023Closed11/29/2023 1:03:58 AM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section Middle School Honor Band 2024Closed11/29/2023 12:42:12 PM
CMEA Capitol SectionCMEA Capitol Section Middle School Honor Band 2025Closed12/4/2024 3:03:06 AM
Concordia UniversityMusic Scholarship AuditionsClosed1/26/2009 10:39:25 PM
Concordia University - IrvineCUI Music ScholarshipsClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
CSD Honor BandSusie TromboneClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
DECS Jazz EnsembleJazz EnsembleClosed9/29/2016 2:46:32 PM
Demo Org2008 January Oregon RegionalClosed1/10/2008 3:23:57 PM
Demo OrgDemo EventClosed8/6/2010 7:52:16 PM
Demo OrgWIBC 2008Closed1/18/2008 9:39:35 PM
DHS BandSolo & EnsembleClosed9/6/2018 11:00:25 AM
District 2 Honors JazzDistrict 2 Honors JazzClosed1/29/2010 12:05:08 PM
District VIII Band Directors AssociationFirst Round / Wind EnsembleClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Dorothy McElhinney Middle School19-20 Symphonic Band AuditionsClosed2/12/2019 6:22:32 PM
Dry Creek Elementary2017 RecruitmentClosed5/15/2016 10:58:58 AM
Edgemont jr highRosamargarita MendozaClosed12/28/2016 12:46:58 PM
Edison High School Music Dept.Fall EnsemblesClosed7/14/2012 5:05:11 PM
Eleanor Murray Fallon Middle SchoolNCBA Honor BandClosed11/9/2017 11:56:53 PM
Evanston High SchoolAll StateClosed9/14/2022 11:21:02 AM
Fernley High School BandSymphonic Band Auditions 2016-2017Closed1/9/2021 12:51:37 PM
Fontainebleau JazzFontainebleau Jazz 20-21 auditionsClosed7/7/2020 12:40:48 PM
Fort Zumwalt West High School BandFZWHS 2008-2009Closed2/15/2008 6:34:28 PM
Fox Valley Lutheran High SchoolFVL Spring 2023 AuditionsOpen 
FPMS Jazz BandJazz BandClosed9/6/2014 11:03:12 AM
FUSD Honor BandFUSD Honor Band 2019-2020Closed12/20/2019 3:04:19 AM
FUSD Honor BandFUSD Honor Band 2019-2020 CloneClosed12/20/2019 3:03:57 AM
Graystone Academy Charter SchoolFall 2011Closed7/3/2011 1:31:20 PM
Greenspun Band2020 Jazz Band AuditionClosed4/15/2020 4:47:54 PM
Happy BandJan. All-StarsClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Haralson County Honors BandSampleClosed12/23/2011 4:42:49 PM
HeroesCahir PlacementClosed9/14/2016 12:17:01 PM
HeroesHeroes Chair PlacementClosed9/14/2016 12:17:24 PM
High Springs Community SchoolSymphonic BandClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Honor BandTpt1Closed1/30/2013 8:29:00 AM
Huffman Honor BandHuffman Honor Band AuditionsClosed4/6/2022 12:50:12 PM
Huntland BandSpring Semester Chair AuditionsClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Irondale High SchoolGold BandClosed1/21/2008 11:49:18 AM
Iroquois BandPart 1 SolosClosed7/8/2024 8:14:47 PM
Iroquois BandPart 1 Solos CloneClosed 
Iroquois BandPart 3 SolosClosed7/8/2024 8:16:31 PM
Iroquois BandPart 4 SolosClosed7/8/2024 8:16:41 PM
JacobJacob MedearisClosed1/17/2012 1:05:13 AM
James L. Day Middle School2016-2017 Symphonic Band AuditionsClosed2/22/2016 12:09:18 AM
Jan Festival OrganizationJan 2009 FestivalClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Jan Festival OrganizationJan Event TESTClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Jan Festival OrganizationJan Festival Jazz EnsembleClosed2/2/2009 11:23:46 PM
Jefferson Music Educators AssnJefferson All-State Band.Closed1/9/2008 1:54:25 PM
Jefferson Music Educators Assn.Jefferson All-State BandClosed1/8/2008 10:57:52 PM
JMEAJ StateClosed12/31/2008 4:31:05 AM
John Philip Sousa Foundation2018 John Philip Sousa National HS Honors BandClosed1/9/2021 12:48:24 PM
Kirtland Central High School BandSpring Semester Chair PlacementClosed12/20/2013 4:40:24 PM
Lake Region High School Band2010Closed6/1/2010 11:18:16 AM
Lansing Catholic BandLCHS Chair PlacementClosed7/14/2015 7:49:45 PM
Lawrence Junior High School Symphonic BandFall PlacementClosed5/23/2024 6:17:40 PM
Lemkee All-StateSouthern Lemkee AreaClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Lincoln BandsFestival 2017Closed1/4/2017 12:15:44 PM
Lutheran-Private School Honor Band2009 Honor BandClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Lutheran-Private School Honor Bandtest out this programClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Madison Concert band auditionsJeff MClosed2/2/2009 9:23:23 AM
Madison County fall auditionsconcert bandClosed1/30/2009 2:19:48 PM
Manteca Unified School District2016 MUSD HS Honor BandClosed4/22/2016 1:35:16 PM
Manteca Unified School DistrictManteca High School 2016-2017 AuditionsClosed5/25/2016 5:36:29 PM
Manteca Unified School DistrictMHS Band Auditions 17-18Closed1/9/2021 12:52:40 PM
Mater Dei High SchoolWind Ensemble 2012 AuditionClosed5/31/2011 4:51:23 PM
McKeeTestOrgWillamette Valley Honor BandClosed1/20/2009 2:51:08 PM
McLean 6th GradeNinja BeltClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Mexico High School Music DepartmentMusic at the MACSClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
MMtestOrgMMtestAudEventClosed10/4/2010 9:34:58 PM
Montgomery County High SchoolWind Ensemble AuditionsClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Moorpark High SchoolBand Placement 2010-2011Closed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Mt Eden String OrchestraFall 2015 AuditionsClosed7/18/2015 3:12:20 PM
Music Camp GuatemalaSonataFestOpen 
MVHStest123Closed3/25/2019 11:51:50 AM
NCBAHonor Band TEST RUNClosed3/9/2013 3:29:33 PM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandHigh School 2017Closed8/24/2017 7:33:14 PM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandHigh School 2018Closed12/9/2017 1:58:35 AM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandHigh School 2019Closed12/8/2018 3:16:33 AM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandJR High School 2018Closed12/2/2017 3:09:17 AM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandJr High School 2019Closed12/8/2018 3:16:16 AM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandNCBA All Northern 2020 High SchoolClosed12/11/2019 9:43:12 PM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandNCBA All Northern 2020 Junior High SchoolClosed12/3/2019 3:13:58 AM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandNCBA All Northern HS Jazz BandClosed12/3/2019 3:14:27 AM
NCBA All Northern Honor BandNCBA All Northern Jr HIgh Honor Band 2017Closed8/24/2017 7:34:22 PM
Nebraska Music Education AssociationAll-State 2024Closed1/1/2024 2:53:55 PM
Nevada Union High Schooldistance learning #1Closed4/4/2020 1:18:31 AM
North Clayton High School BandWind EnsembleClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
North Olmsted High SchoolConcert Bands Audition 2009-10Closed2/10/2009 2:35:06 PM
North Port High SchoolWind EnsClosed9/8/2014 12:16:13 PM
Northern California Band AssociationSimulation AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Orcutt Academy High SchoolMarching BandClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Oregon City High School BandSeat PlacementClosed9/22/2014 2:42:14 PM
Patterson High SchoolNCBA All Northern Honor BandOpen 
Philomath High SchoolWIBC 2017Closed1/9/2021 12:49:34 PM
PlainvilleNewClosed7/10/2016 11:16:44 PM
Plouffe AcademyEnteranceClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
PoesisSaúdaClosed4/23/2024 7:32:02 PM
Rincon Valley Christian SchoolHonor BandClosed2/7/2018 4:27:17 PM
Robert Morgan Educational CenterRobert Morgan Music FestivalOpen 
RTM OrgrtmtestClosed4/24/2020 6:59:50 PM
Sacred Heart University Band & OrchestraFall 2020 AuditionsClosed5/18/2020 8:49:05 PM
SAMS FestivalFestivalClosed5/9/2015 7:51:37 AM
Scott's Honor BandScottClosed2/4/2009 6:23:50 PM
sdbandAudition 1Closed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Shelby Instrumental MusicHigh School Chair PlacementsClosed1/23/2008 10:12:36 AM
Sherburne Earlville High SchooljeffClosed1/29/2009 8:57:00 AM
SHSSHSClosed11/9/2015 6:42:19 PM
Skyline Symphonic Band2014 Symphonic Band AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Snowflake High SchoolChair ChallengeClosed9/8/2014 4:34:03 PM
Sudlow 7th Grade BandChair seatingClosed2/11/2009 11:24:23 PM
Sudlow IntermediateChair PlacementClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Sunnyside School DistrictTestClosed2/21/2017 3:20:52 PM
Terman Middle SchoolAll Northern Jr High 2018Closed1/9/2021 12:50:07 PM
Test High SchoolFallClosed1/9/2021 12:51:08 PM
Thunder Basin High SchoolDon't use this eventClosed6/30/2010 4:56:35 PM
Towson High OrchestraGT Fall Seating AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Turlock Junior HighAll Northern JH Honor BandClosed11/28/2017 2:51:49 PM
University of Southern Mississippi Bands2018 All South Honor BandClosed1/15/2018 11:33:05 PM
US Army School of Music9B - Trumpet AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
US Army School of Music9C - Euphonium AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:03:33 PM
US Army School of Music9D - Horn AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:05:57 PM
US Army School of Music9E - Trombone AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:15:21 PM
US Army School of Music9F - Tuba AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:16:05 PM
US Army School of Music9G - Flute AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:16:25 PM
US Army School of Music9H - Oboe AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:16:35 PM
US Army School of Music9J - Clarinet AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:16:59 PM
US Army School of Music9K - Bassoon AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:16:46 PM
US Army School of Music9L - Saxophone AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:17:11 PM
US Army School of Music9M - Percussion AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:17:24 PM
US Army School of Music9N - Piano AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:17:35 PM
US Army School of Music9T - Guitar AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:17:48 PM
US Army School of Music9U - Bass AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:17:57 PM
US Army School of Music9V - Vocal AuditionClosed3/20/2009 4:18:10 PM
US Army School of MusicField Audition ScreeningClosed3/19/2009 4:09:56 PM
US Army School of MusicRC-BMC 180 Probation AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
UT BandsBand AuditionClosed9/9/2016 1:30:37 PM
Utah Music Educators AssociationJunior High/Middle School Honor Band 2017-2018Closed9/14/2017 10:37:22 AM
VHS Concert Band2015 Alto Sax AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Wamogo Regional High SchoolPlay test TESTClosed11/2/2019 12:31:20 PM
Warren High School BandFall 2008 Marching BandClosed3/26/2008 5:23:34 PM
Washington High School Wind EnsembleWind Ensemble Audition 2019Closed3/25/2019 1:41:31 PM
West NassauConcert 2019Closed12/31/2018 3:17:33 PM
Western International Band ClinicWIBC Drumset AuditionClosed1/6/2009 5:49:03 PM
WHS Wind Ensemble Audition 2020WE AuditionClosed3/25/2019 11:09:16 AM
WHS Wind Ensemble Audition 2020WHS Wind Ensemble AuditionClosed1/28/2019 10:51:54 PM
WHS Wind Ensemble Audition 2020WHS Wind Ensemble Audition 2019Closed3/31/2019 4:53:48 PM
WIBCSouthern Washington Honor BandClosed4/27/2010 5:02:33 PM
WIBCSys testClosed10/13/2022 11:55:28 PM
WIBCWillamette Valley Band AuditionClosed4/27/2010 5:02:44 PM
WIBC AuditionWIBC Aud.Closed7/22/2008 3:50:45 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2014Closed12/9/2014 3:39:17 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2015Closed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2016Closed2/10/2017 6:56:55 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2017Closed12/5/2017 5:08:20 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2018Closed2/1/2019 1:40:48 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2019Closed11/7/2019 2:26:28 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2020Closed3/10/2020 5:45:22 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2021Closed12/7/2021 5:39:00 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2022Closed4/6/2022 5:43:42 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2023Closed4/4/2023 2:34:31 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2024Closed4/1/2024 5:06:43 PM
WIBC Band AuditionsWIBC Band Auditions 2025Open 
WIBC U- Chair Placement 2014Closed9/1/2015 6:49:38 PM
WIBC U- Chair Placement 2015Closed8/17/2016 12:37:22 PM
WIBC U- Chair Placement 2016Closed2/10/2017 7:27:45 PM
William S. Hart High SchoolReid BaileyClosed9/5/2014 1:10:01 PM
Winkler Middle SchoolFirst Chair AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
Winkler Middle SchoolHot Cross BunsClosed10/18/2013 11:32:48 PM
WMEASouthern Region AuditionClosed3/2/2016 3:05:53 PM
WVMEA All-State Middle School BandAuditions 2024Closed3/2/2023 5:45:44 PM
WyoMEAAll-State AuditionsClosed6/5/2011 10:39:53 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2012Closed11/7/2011 6:01:33 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2013Closed11/4/2012 4:32:42 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2014Closed8/27/2014 9:12:38 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2015Closed8/22/2015 2:06:04 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2016Closed8/19/2016 2:51:10 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2017Closed11/8/2016 10:14:12 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2018Closed11/6/2017 6:24:42 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2019Closed11/4/2018 2:28:05 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2020Closed11/10/2019 12:20:40 PM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2021Closed11/20/2020 10:44:23 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2022Closed11/7/2021 10:04:22 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2023Closed11/6/2022 12:41:43 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2024Closed11/5/2023 1:00:01 AM
WyoMEAAll-State Auditions 2025Closed11/18/2024 12:36:10 PM
WyoMEAAll-State TestClosed9/8/2011 12:17:03 AM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsAll-State Jazz 2019-20Closed10/27/2020 7:15:39 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsAll-State Jazz 2020-21Closed12/14/2020 10:59:36 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsAll-State Jazz 2021-22Closed12/7/2021 6:12:02 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWY All-State Jazz JANUARY 2023Closed12/4/2023 12:47:17 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz 2016-17Closed12/27/2016 3:23:03 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz 2017-18Closed1/3/2018 11:06:44 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz 2018-19Closed1/6/2019 9:05:49 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz Band 2014-15Closed12/13/2014 4:11:58 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz Band 2015-16Closed12/12/2015 6:24:34 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming all state jazz band and choir 2012-13Closed12/16/2012 6:59:18 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming all state jazz band and Choir 2013-14Closed12/20/2013 9:49:16 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz Choir 2014-15Closed12/6/2014 9:21:30 AM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz Choir 2015-16Closed12/16/2015 10:43:54 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All State Jazz Choir 2016-17Closed12/27/2016 3:22:46 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All-State Jazz Auditions - 2024Closed9/19/2024 9:24:32 AM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All-State Jazz Auditions - 2025Closed12/1/2024 2:07:50 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All-State Jazz Band and ChoirClosed12/14/2010 4:56:17 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming All-State Jazz Band and Choir 2011-12Closed12/16/2011 5:05:50 PM
Wyoming Jazz EducatorsWyoming Jazz Educators AUDITIONS 2022Closed8/8/2022 1:26:05 PM