American Band College

Can I attend ABC and earn non-master's credits (continuing education credits)?

Registration required by May 15.

Yes, you can attend ABC as a non-master's student and earn up to 9 quarter credits per summer. There are several options from which to choose:
  • [4 Credits] Session A (June 20 - 26) = MUS 542 
  • [3 Credits] Special Group Project (June 28-29) = MUS 617
  • [2 Credits] Session B (June 28- July 4) = MUS 566
It is not possible to take only MUS 617.
  • When taking MUS 617, a non-masters student must also take MUS 542 (Session A) or MUS 566 (Session B).
  • Credits are not usable as part of the master's program should a person change to the master's degree candidate track at a later time.
  • Total maximum credits that are not part of a masters track is 15.
See tuition cost below. Make payments directly to Central Washington University.
  • Register with ABC Create account or login and choose "Non-masters Credits Only" under Candidate Status in the first screen. Fees due directly to ABC are the same for Masters and Non-Masters candidates.
  • Submit Forms to CWU - See Below
  • Admission not necessary with forms.

Session A Courses - MUS 542 (total of 4 credits)
By attending all sessions between June 20 to 26, those taking this course are charged with gathering 6 useful teaching tools as presented by guest conductors (and even candidate conductors). Taking the concept of each, it is required to turn these segments into fully-implemented classroom teaching tools that include a complete explanation and may include written musical examples, group participation drills or games, special charts or diagrams, etc. to make each tool usable by any conductor. It is expected these items will be professional in quality as PDFs or in any other printable form. Due by 11:00 a.m., July 5.

Special Group Project - MUS 617 (3 credits)
The instructors responsible for teaching the class will assign groups to work together as they create the project for the course. The final project must be submitted online by midnight-June 30. This year's class will be the Percussion Course taught by Alan Keown and Matt Savage.

Session B Courses - MUS 566 (total of 2 credits)
By attending all sessions between June 28-July 4, those taking this course are charged with selecting two pieces of music from the compositions performed or sightread at this year's ABC for which a complete set of training tools can be developed. It is recommended, though not required, that pieces useful with your own band be chosen. The materials must contain music examples (utilizing standard computer-based notation software) that can be performed by the band (in unison and/or harmony) that teach rhythm concepts, key signature development, melodic materials for phrase development, advanced technique sections that can be simplified and initially broken down to short units in slow tempos and/or expanded note length versions. It is further recommended that the entire band be involved in most of the tool segments even though the rhythm or technical passage is not represented in all instrument parts. Due by 11 a.m., July 5.

Tuition and Fees: Cost per credit is currently $350 + fees (paid directly to CWU).

Download CWU Application Forms - Click Here

You should email the completed forms to the Music Department - Teresa Larsen. Also send us a copy of the forms for our records.