American Band College

Can I take a deviation or incomplete on my project(s) and where can I find more information on grades?

INCOMPLETES AND DEVIATIONS (and failing project info)
You are not allowed to take deviations or incompletes on Practical Application or Research Projects. The American Band College will not give an incomplete grade to projects received after the deadline unless there are extenuating circumstances outside the control of the candidate.

  1. Submission deadlines are absolute. ABC is required to submit A-F grades to CWU 10 days after specific deadlines assigned to each course (See the ABC catalog-handbook, page 21).
  2. Any course requiring submission of a project that arrives after the deadline automatically receives a grade of F.
  3. Courses with F grades must be signed up for and retaken the following year. In addition, Central Washington University could terminate or suspend the candidate from the Graduate School. Reinstatement can only be done through the Department of Music with approval from various deans at CWU.
  4. Candidates with non-passing grades in any ABC project will possibly add a year to their program in order to complete required prerequisites.
  5. Grades of F will be replaced when the course has been completed, but a trail of the failing grade remains in the candidate's academic file.

If for ANY reason, you find it impossible to complete both projects by the deadline, do not sign up to attend ABC that year.

Projects of inferior quality will be rejected by the graduate faculty and/or receive grades below that which is required for graduation. Grades on any project must be a C or above to be counted toward degree completion.

Candidates whose GPA drops below 3.0 are automatically placed on probation at the Central Washington University. A second term with a composite GPA below 3.0 results in termination/suspension from the Graduate School at CWU.

CWU Graduate School cumulative GPA requirement to earn your degree is 3.0 or higher.

Other important dates: 3-Year Checklist

CLICK HERE for details on the Retake procedures (PDF).